
11. Install Covers|Head


11-1 Close head cover

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Close head cover

  1. Slide【C02 Head cover/ microphone array part】 over the head and and neck assemblies and snap into place as shown.
    ⚠️ Note! Do not pinch connection cables.
    ⚠️ Note! Fold 【Connection Cable 11 NECK】, 【Connection Cable 17 HEAD】 into the back of the head to avoid pinching. Do not leave spare cable on top of the head.

Head cover assembly finished!

Finished Assembly

11-2 Install cheek covers

Required Parts:
C03 Cheek plates x2

Box Y
(Install either one)

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Install cheek covers

  1. Line up tabs of【C03 Cheek Plate】with slots on right side of head as shown. Use moderate force to snap into place. 

  2. Line up tabs of【C03 Cheek Plate】with slots on left side of head as shown. Use moderate force to snap into place.

Cheek plates assembly finished!

Install covers – head FINISHED!

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