
12. Install Covers|Body


12-1 Install posterior body cover

Required Parts:
C05 Posterior body cover x1 Screw No. 6 (M3_L7 TT30075) x3
Box Y
Box of screws

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Install posterior body cover

  1. Slide【C05 posterior body cover】over rear of robot, lining up guides and screw holes as shown.
    ⚠️ Note! Make sure to align as shown.
  2. Fasten with 3 pieces【Screw No. 6 (M3_L7 TT30075)】. If desired, remove【C21 Chest Light】before installing center screw to improve access, then reinstall.

12-2 Install chest light cover

Required Parts:
D2 Chest light cover stickers set (select one) A6 Tape x1
Bag H of Box Z
Box of screws

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Install chest light cover

  1. Select 【D2 Chest Light Cover Sticker】and remove protective film.

  2. Place【D2 Chest Light Cover Sticker】 into holder.
    ⚠️ Note! Observe orientation of cover; wider section is at bottom.

  3. Secure cover to holder by adhering with【A6 Tape】 on each side as shown.

12-3 Install anterior body cover

Required Parts:
C04 Anterior body cover x1
Box Y

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Install anterior body cover

  1. Line up clips of【C04 Anterior Body Cover】with slots in body and snap into place as shown.
    ⚠️ Note! Ensure all clips are securely engaged.

  2. Press【C06 Body Cover (top)】down onto main body shell and snap into place as shown. Work around the top cover to confirm all snaps are engaged.

12-4 Install bottom plate

Required Parts:
C07 Bottom body plate x1
Box Y

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Install bottom body plate

  1. Lay robot face down as shown and press【C07 Bottom Body Plate】into matching slots.
    ⚠️ Note! Ensure all snaps are fully engaged.

  2. Adhere serial number sticker from box to 【C07 Bottom Body Plate】.


Finished Assembly

Install Covers – body FINISHED!

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