
13. Install Covers|Arms


13-1 Install right arm cover -1

Required Parts:
C16 Right lower arm shell (front) x1 C17 Right lower arm shell (back) x1
Bag C of Box Z
Bag C of Box Z

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Install lower arm cover

  1. Test fit two halves to see how they fit together; do not snap. Slide【C17 Right Lower Arm Shell (back)】over servo as shown being careful not to catch cable. Watch video carefully to observe proper way to insert palm light into groove.
    ⚠️ Note! Double check to ensure palm light is correctly placed in groove.
  2. Slide 【C16 Right Lower Arm Shell (front)】over servo into matching sides of outer cover. Confirm【C22 Hand Light】 is located correctly in groove on both sides, and snap two halves securely together.
    ⚠️ Note! Do not pinch connection cables.
    ⚠️ Note! Ensure all snap tabs are locked together.
    ⚠️ Note! Double check to make sure palm light is placed correctly in groove.

Finished Assembly

13-1 Install right arm cover -2

Required Parts:
C18 Right upper arm shell (interior) x1 C19 Right upper arm shell (exterior) x1 C20 Epaulet covers x2
Bag C of Box Z
Bag C of Box Z
Bag C of Box Z

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Install upper arm cover

  1. Place【C18 Right Upper Arm Shell (interior)】pegs into matching holes on arm assembly. Route【Connection Cable 08 ARM】 through slot as shown. Insert guides of 【F5 Shoulder Joint (right) into rails of【C18 Right Upper Arm Shell (interior)】.
  2. Place pegs of【C19 Right Upper Arm Shell (exterior)】into matching holes on arm assembly and line up snap tabs with other side of cover. Check to make sure guides are in rails and cable is not pinched, then snap halves together.

    ⚠️ Note! Do not pinch connection cables.
    ⚠️ Note! Make sure guides are inside the rails.
  3. Snap【C20 Epaulet Coversto front and back of shoulder.

Right arm cover installation finished!

Finished Assembly

13-2 Install left arm cover -1

Required Parts:
C12 Left lower arm shell (front) x1 C13 Left lower arm shell (back) x1
Bag D of Box Z
Bag D of Box Z

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Install lower arm cover

  1. Test fit two halves to see how they fit together; do not snap. Slide【C13 Left Lower Arm Shell (back)】over servo as shown being careful not to catch cable. Watch video carefully to observe proper way to insert palm light into groove.
    ⚠️ Note! Double check to ensure palm light is correctly placed in groove.
  2. Slide 【C12 Left Lower Arm Shell (front)】over servo into matching sides of outer cover. Confirm【C22 Hand Light】 is located correctly in groove on both sides, and snap two halves securely together.
    ⚠️ Note! Do not pinch connection cables.
    ⚠️ Note! Ensure all snap tabs are locked together.
    ⚠️ Note! Double check to make sure palm light is placed correctly in groove.

Finish plan

13-2 Install left arm cover -2

Required Parts:
C14 Left upper arm shell (interior) x1 C15 Left upper arm shell (exterior) x1 C20 Epaulet covers x2
Bag D of Box Z
Bag D of Box Z
Bag D of Box Z

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Install upper arm cover

  1. Place【C14 Left Upper Arm Shell (interior)】pegs into matching holes on arm assembly. Route【Connection Cable 08 ARM】 through slot as shown. Insert guides of 【F6 Shoulder Joint (left) into rails of【C14 Left Upper Arm Shell (interior)】.
  2. Place pegs of【C15 Left Upper Arm Shell (exterior)】into matching holes on arm assembly and line up snap tabs with other side of cover. Check to make sure guides are in rails and cable is not pinched, then snap halves together.
    ⚠️ Note! Do not pinch connection cables.
    ⚠️ Note! Make sure guides are inside the rails.
  3. Snap【C20 Epaulet Coversto front and back of shoulder.
Left arm cover installation finished!

Install covers – arms FINISHED!

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